
Pretty by Nene Thomas

This week, I pulled out a piece I hadn’t worked on for over a year. Pretty by Nene Thomas. I really like this one, and I am not entirely sure why I stopped working on it (I only got 300 stitches in it in the first place). Well, in the four days I worked on it, I got to a total of 1600 stitches completed. So I definitely made a bit of progress. I am only .5% complete with the chart, so not a lot of progress.

I haven’t had a lot of stitching time in the last several months. In about October I told my sisters I would crochet them afghan’s for Christmas. Well, I only got one complete. I have half of another done, and a bit of the third. I have to have the second one done by February 7th and the third done by three weeks after that. So basically all of my time between now and the end of February will be dedicated to crochet. I sure do miss my stitching time. I need to improve my ability to not become too ambitious with my gifts. It obviously does not work out well!

Pretty by Nene Thomas:


Sorry for the bad quality of the picture. I don’t have a digital camera, so all pictures are taken with my phone. Additionally, the colors are all dark and similar right now, so the picture is hard to see!